10 Life-Changing Quotes From Neil Degrasse Tyson

“Your grades, whatever is your GPA, rapidly becomes irrelevant in your life.”

“The most dangerous people in a free society are those who don’t know… It’s OK to not know. But if you don’t know, but think you do know… That is dangerous. Those are the signs of the end of an informed democracy.”

“Science matters.”

“It has become a pastime to blame politicians for the ills of the world… If you have an issue with politicians, it’s because you have an issue with your fellow citizens who put them there.”

“The laws of physics affect us all. Objective truths are true, whether or not you believe in them.”

“I think on some level, role models are overrated… If you require a role model who looks just like you to be something you wanna be and you can’t find one, is that a reason to not be what you wanna be? No!”

“The universe is bigger than you are.”

“Do not forget that Earth is really good at killing you… Ninety-seven percent of all the species on Earth that ever existed are now extinct… It’s our ingenuity, in spite of that fact, that prevents it.”

“I don’t know what has happened to the world, but you’re up next in the batters box.”

“We live in a world where not everyone has the urge to help others… It is OK to encourage others to pull themselves up by the bootstraps, but if you do, just remember that some people have no boots.”


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